We are three interior design studios: Zervudachi, Roberts and Macadam Ltd (London), Tino Zervudachi & Associés (Paris) and Tino Zervudachi LLC (New York) who work both independently and collaboratively with long established teams.

We work with our clients on an extensive range of projects including private houses, yachts, commercial developments, retail and hospitality. Our hallmarks are a respect for quality and a strong understanding of architecture and artisanal workmanship combined with an eclectic aesthetic and an individual approach to each project.
The London firm was established by David Mlinaric in 1964, working on important London and country houses, often in association with The National Trust. In 1969, the gifted decorator and colourist Hugh Henry, with whom the studio still collaborates, joined the firm. Tino Zervudachi joined in 1987 and the partnership of Mlinaric, Henry & Zervudachi was formed. In its 60th anniversary year, the London studio has changed its name to ZRM Ltd (Zervudachi, Roberts and Macadam) to reflect the current partnership who run the office.
Select an office location to find out more about our teams
London Team
Tino ZervudachiDirector
Tino Zervudachi
Jason RobertsDirector
Jason Roberts
Laurence MacadamDirector
Laurence Macadam
Fabio PelizzariAssociate
Fabio Pelizzari
Joanna SzczygielAssociate
Joanna Szczygiel
Nicole PorterInterior design
Nicole Porter
Interior design
Samantha ObellInterior design
Samantha Obell
Interior design
Teresia GuestInterior design
Teresia Guest
Interior design
Polly Stuart-MillsInterior design
Polly Stuart-Mills
Interior design
Emily CulbertInterior design
Emily Culbert
Interior design
Yalda ShooshtarihaInterior architecture
Yalda Shooshtariha
Interior architecture
Derek ZhangInterior architecture
Derek Zhang
Interior architecture
Sofia LeoverInterior architecture
Sofia Leover
Interior architecture
Joyce YipInterior architecture
Joyce Yip
Interior architecture
Ana de Torres LeonInterior architecture
Ana de Torres Leon
Interior architecture
Solomon WoodsInterior architecture
Solomon Woods
Interior architecture
Claire EscomsProcurement Manager
Claire Escoms
Procurement Manager
Donatella GorettiSenior Accountant
Donatella Goretti
Senior Accountant
Moona NoorAccountant
Moona Noor
Johanna SalgadoOffice Manager
Johanna Salgado
Office Manager
Paris Team
Tino ZervudachiDirector
Tino Zervudachi
Antoine de SigyDirector
Antoine de Sigy
Marie-Astrid Guérineau PironAssociate Director
Marie-Astrid Guérineau Piron
Associate Director
Ohm ChulsukonAssociate Director
Ohm Chulsukon
Associate Director
Cécile HalatreInterior design
Cécile Halatre
Interior design
Luca LucernariInterior design
Luca Lucernari
Interior design
Lee DirrInterior design
Lee Dirr
Interior design
Timothée GuiranInterior design
Timothée Guiran
Interior design
Pauline GaudillatInterior design
Pauline Gaudillat
Interior design
Helene Van GestelInterior architecture
Helene Van Gestel
Interior architecture
Alexandre CastelainInterior architecture
Alexandre Castelain
Interior architecture
Jeremy DuranInterior architecture
Jeremy Duran
Interior architecture
Fabiola MantelInterior architecture
Fabiola Mantel
Interior architecture
Ludivine LoquetSenior Accountant
Ludivine Loquet
Senior Accountant
Paul Dos AnjosAccountant
Paul Dos Anjos
Sylvie Da SilvaOffice manager
Sylvie Da Silva
Office manager
Mary Ann De La CruzOffice maintenance
Mary Ann De La Cruz
Office maintenance
New York Team
Tino ZervudachiDirector
Tino Zervudachi
Lucy SinghDirector
Lucy Singh
Michael NguiSenior Designer
Michael Ngui
Senior Designer
Charlotte CrawfordIntermediate Designer
Charlotte Crawford
Intermediate Designer
Bianca TimiraosBusiness Operations Manager
Bianca Timiraos
Business Operations Manager